The Graveyard Shift Blog

Since 2008, Lee Lofland has written over 2000 articles on his blog, The Graveyard Shift. Topics such as police procedure, forensics, criminal behavior, and what it’s like to be a cop has helped countless numbers of popular and aspiring writers.

His life’s mission – to remind writers that cordite is dead and gone. Just say no to cordite in your books!

Weekend Road Trip: North Carolina ‘Shine Fest

  North Carolina is known for its beaches, gorgeous mountains, the Wright Brothers, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, the Venus Fly-trap (native to N.C.),  Pepsi Cola, Babe Ruth's first professional home run, and Krispy Kreme doughnuts.…
Friday's Heroes - Remembering the fallen officers

Friday’s Heroes: Remembering The Fallen

Correctional Officer Daniel Leach, 49 Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department On November 21, 2009, Officer Daniel Leach was killed in an automobile accident. He was driving a prisoner transport van to pick up prisoners when a tractor…
Cop's Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

  We're enjoying a day with family. I hope you're doing the same. Happy Thanksgiving!
Castle: Kill The Messenger

Murder, A Silly Drawing, And Why Bart Officers Shouldn’t Live In Glass Houses

The head is shaped like a football, the nose looks like a little bell, and the lips are off to one side. Oh, it gets worse. The eyes are mismatched, the hair looks like a worn-out straw broom, and there's no sign of an ear anywhere. Yet,…
Castle: Kill The Messenger

Castle: One Man’s Treasure – A Review

One Man's Treasure was written by Elizabeth Davis who also wrote last season's Little Girl Lost. I recall that I wasn't a fan of that particular episode. In fact, I described it as a snore-fest. This week, Davis' second effort at placing words…
Last Week In England With Paul Beecroft

Coroner’s Investigator Paul Beecroft: The Old Farmhouse

My friend, Paul Beecroft, has spent a good deal of his life in law enforcement, in England. He's worked Foot Patrol, Area Car, Instant Response Car and also as a Police Motorcyclist. He's currently a coroner's investigator and has traveled all…
Sunday Kaminski: Desolation, Abandonment, and Patriotism

Sunday Kaminski: Desolation, Abandonment, and Patriotism

Once again, Maryland photographer Sunday Kaminski has offered to share part of her world with us. Sunday's work has been featured in many major shows, and in publications such as Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine. Please take a good look…

Hickory, Dickory, Dock, The Crook Pulled Out A Glock.

  Every job has its difficulties, and police work is no different. In fact, I don't believe there's another career in the world that offers more opportunity to screw up than a career in law enforcement. Think about it. What other company…
Sam Spade never kissed his horse

From Horseplay To Horror

  These two Connecticut teens, David Servin and Ashlie Krakowski, were driving northbound along Boston Post Road in Milford, Ct. when the driver of the car made a left turn onto Dogwood Road. They'd been playing a drinking game at a…
Taser Deaths

Taser Deaths: Coincidence, Contributor, Or Cause?

Forty-eight people have died so far this year after being shot with Tasers. Many of these incidents began as minor, somewhat routine police calls, but quickly escalated to very dangerous situations. Officers have mere seconds to react in these…
Castle: Kill The Messenger

Castle: Love Me Dead – A Review

I'm popping open a bottle of champagne after watching this episode. I honestly think it was their best effort to date. I'm actually kind of shocked that I can't say enough about the wonderful combination of wit, snappy dialog, emotions, and…
Writers' Police Academy

Are They Heroes, Or Just Cops Doing Their Jobs?

  Ask any cop who's been in a shootout or other dangerous situation if he/she is a hero, and they'll probably tell you they were just doing their jobs. Knives, guns, sticks and stones? A police officer runs toward that stuff without…
Walk through my neighborhood

Weekend Road Trip: A Walk Through My Neighborhood

  A few steps out our back door leads us to a well traveled path through the woods. Fall is especially spectacular when you live on a lake and near the North Carolina Mountains. A small creek trickles into the lake. Critter…
Friday's Heroes - Remembering the fallen officers

Friday’s Heroes: Remembering The Fallen

Officer Joseph Fulton, 45 Kosciusko Mississippi Police Department On November 8, 2009, Officer Joseph Fulton suffered a fatal heart attack during a high speed pursuit. Fellow officers attempted CPR, but their efforts were not successful.…
Castle: Kill The Messenger

Unusual Police Stuff

Here are a few things you might not associate with the boys and girls in blue.   Need more than one pistol, but only own one holster? No problem. Simply convert your .40 cal. Sig Sauer P229, P226, P239, or SP2340 to a Sig ,357…
Castle: Kill The Messenger

The D.C. Sniper, Death Row, and Writing Setting As A Character

Writers all know how important setting is for their stories. A well-written description of a place and its surroundings can seem just as alive as any hero or villain. Authors like James Lee Burke use setting as if it's one of their book's main…
Castle: Kill The Messenger

Castle: Kill the Messenger – A Review

  Kill The Messenger, this week's episode, was written by Terence Paul Winter. I have to admit that I was intrigued when I read that Mr. Winter wrote this episode. I knew that he'd once played the part of Lee, one of Al Bundy's football…
Castle: Kill The Messenger

Female Police Officers: Are They Really Wimpy, Or Do You Just Write Them That Way?

Yesterday, I attended a very interesting Sisters In Crime meeting in North Carolina. The drive over from our house was quite pleasant. Traffic was light and the scenery was outstanding. No one was in a hurry, which is pretty normal for these…