The Graveyard Shift Blog

Since 2008, Lee Lofland has written over 2000 articles on his blog, The Graveyard Shift. Topics such as police procedure, forensics, criminal behavior, and what it’s like to be a cop has helped countless numbers of popular and aspiring writers.

His life’s mission – to remind writers that cordite is dead and gone. Just say no to cordite in your books!


How “Stuff” Helps Detectives Solve Crimes

Much like a writer's intricately plotted tale of fictional murder and the macabre, evidence discovered at actual crime scenes also tells a story. And, with these valuable clues safely collected, bagged, and tagged, detectives set out on their…

As Discussed at Virtual MurderCon: Suicide by “Final Exit”

Before I begin, please know that this post is not an op-ed article. I'm merely presenting facts surrounding suicide investigations involving the book "Final Exit." Those of you who attended homicide Detective Jeff Locklear's presentations…

HURRY! Today is Your Last Chance to Sign Up to Attend Virtual MurderCon!!

TODAY is the LAST DAY to sign up for a "Seat" at Virtual MurderCon's interactive event, and only a few "seats" are available! I urge you to sign up asap to reserve your spot at this unique opportunity, one that may never again be available.…

Murder on a Hot Day: Weather is a Character … and Virtual MurderCon

It was a Saturday morning, a day when the temperature had already reached the mid 90s and the southern air with was tightly packed with enough humidity to make it appear as if a quick rain shower had passed through. The air was so thick, in…

Okay, I’m Going There: Bathroom Breaks – Where Do Officers Go?

Sure, duty calls, but so does nature. And sometimes nature calls quite loudly. In those times of great despair, it is imperative that an officer find the proper location to meet the need, especially in these dangerous times where ambushes…

Life After Bill: Alone At 0200

0200 hrs. Wispy fog. Whirling, swirling. Streetlight. A lone bat, Looping, swooping. Night sounds. Frogs, crickets, Train whistle, far away. Radio crackles, Against still, night air. Prowler, Outside window. "I'll take it." "10-4." "Backup?" "Negative." Front…

Why I’ve Been a Bit AWOL Lately

Due to a a couple of serious illnesses in our family, I will be taking a break from the blog for a few days and maybe slightly longer. I've tried to write something for the past couple of days but my mind wanders back to our loved ones, Denene's…
Fighting Dinosaurs

My First Night On The Job: Fighting Dinosaurs

Graduating from the police academy is an experience all its own. And, after many weeks of what some recruits equate to a brief period of time spent in hell on earth, receiving the paper that makes it official, that you are indeed a bona-fide…
Life after death

The Survivors: After The Death Notice

It was 9 p.m. when Detective Rudy Smith left the scene of a homicide where Carl Jackson, the father of two small children and husband of a loving wife, had gone to the store to pick up a gallon of milk for morning cereal when he was caught in…

They’re NOT Tanks!

“Why, oh why, do cops need tanks?” “I don’t want cops to have military equipment. A tank? They don’t NEED a tank!” “It’s ridiculous. No police department should have a tank.” “Tank, tank, tank, tank ... yada, yada,…

Before Tasers, Bean Bags, and Pepper Spray: Those Were The Days

A Taser delivers an electrical charge that disrupts muscle function. The devices are carried on the officer’s non-gun side and they’re often made of brightly colored material. The purpose of these two important details is to prevent officers…

Murderers: Predatory and/or Impulsive Killers?

Murder: the unlawful killing of one human by another. Kill: to deprive of life. Humans have always killed other humans. Some have done so during wartime, while others found lesser reason(s), such as out of anger, fear, jealousy, or out…

Proactive v. Reactive Policing: A Vicious Circle

I wrote this four years ago. Am I psychic, or does history truly repeat itself?   A Vicious Circle   Trouble Kids Die Gangs High Crime Rape, Cocaine Bloody Murder Burglary Assault Robbery Carjacking Increased Patrol Stop…

You Might Be Dating a Cop, If ….

Police officers, because of the nature of their business are creatures of habit, and their routines are sometimes quite obvious. Here’s how to tell if the person you’re currently spending time with is, or once was, a cop. 1. Your new…

Looking Sharp: A Bowling Ball, A Shiny Badge, And … Elephant Poop?

Graveyard shift---those eight long and often mind-numbing hours between midnight and the time your relief signs on to take over your beat. It's boring. It's exciting. It's sleep-depriving. And it's getting dressed while everyone else in your…

A Deadly Game at the Old Factory

Factory. Massive, abandoned. Machinery. Metal dinosaurs. Tangled debris. Ceiling, leaking. Pitch-dark. Footsteps. Flashlights. Shadows. Graffiti. Glass, broken. Odors, chemicals. Water, drips. Echoes. Hallway. Leather, squeaking. Keys.…

Virtual MurderCon is Scheduled for August 6-7, 2020

Over the years, many have requested that we host a virtual event. Well, those requests are now a reality! In just a few short weeks a group of MurderCon's top law enforcement and forensics experts will arrive in homes around the world (virtually) to…

Attention All 2020 MurderCon Attendees

Registered MurderCon attendees will receive an important announcement via email sometime Friday afternoon EST, June 26, 2020, or on Saturday June 27. So please check your inbox and spam mail. In addition, I'll post the details here and on my…