The Graveyard Shift Blog

Since 2008, Lee Lofland has written over 2000 articles on his blog, The Graveyard Shift. Topics such as police procedure, forensics, criminal behavior, and what it’s like to be a cop has helped countless numbers of popular and aspiring writers.

His life’s mission – to remind writers that cordite is dead and gone. Just say no to cordite in your books!

Jonathan Hayes

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Is He Really America’s Toughest Sheriff?

Or, is Joe Arpaio simply one of the best self-promoters of all time? Think about it, how many books could you sell if you had this famous lawman's platform? Certainly, not everyone agrees with Sheriff Joe's policies, but the man sure knows how…
kent mccord

Calling For A Few Good Books…and other cool stuff

  In case you haven't heard, we're hosting a big event in September called the Writers' Police Academy. I'm pretty excited about the academy because it's truly one of the coolest writer's events ever (and I've attended more than my fair…
Friday's Heroes - Remembering the fallen officers

Friday’s Heroes: Remembering The Fallen

Corporal James J. Szuba, 42 Canine Ricky Mishawaka Indiana Police Department Corporal James Szuba and his canine partner, Ricky, were killed in an automobile accident during a high-speed pursuit on January 9, 2010. Corporal Szuba…
Jonathan Hayes

Doin’ Time, Madoff Style

Federal prison differs quite a bit from the state-run big houses. Sure, the goal is the same, to lock up bad guys. But take a walk through each and you'd quickly see just how different they really are. For starters, federal prisons are normally…
Jonathan Hayes

Gardening In California: What a Weed Problem!

California...the place where raindrops are as scarce as hen's teeth, and the people, well, the people there are as fine as frog hair. Yep, California is the place where all the latest trends begin - where Botox is an afternoon snack, and…
Jonathan Hayes

Castle: A Rose For Everafter – A Review

Several years ago, in the late 90's, Alyssa Milano and I exchanged emails for a while - nearly every evening, actually. I really don't remember how we first connected, and I seriously doubt she even remembers the discussions, but I certainly…
Jonathan Hayes

The Police Exam: How Well Would You Score?

So, what can you expect to see on a police officer's entrance examination? Why is this test feared and dreaded by so many? Why does it cause grown men and women to lose precious sleep? Can it be that difficult? The answers to those questions…
Shift in graveyard

Weekend Road Trip: A Shift In The Graveyard

A Shift in the Graveyard   Young eyes, once twinkling lights of hope and promise, give way to fading dreams. Age weathers outer shells, weakening once impenetrable barriers between health and disease. Malignancy devastates…
Friday's Heroes - Remembering the fallen officers

Friday’s Heroes: Remembering The Fallen

Officer Maylon Thompson (Tommy) Bishop Jr., 63 Guntersville Alabama Police Department Officer Tommy Bishop died on January 1, 2010 as a result of gunshot wounds he received sixteen years earlier. He'd responded to a domestic disturbance…
Jonathan Hayes

They Killed My Baby!

"They killed my baby!" cried the mother of a 32-year-old robbery suspect. "I want justice for my son. They didn't have to kill him. He's a good boy - a good father." These are words that are often heard immediately after an officer-involved…
Jonathan Hayes

Police News, Fashion, And A Touch Of Juicy Gossip

l Gallatin County, Illinois Sheriff Raymond Martin was sitting in the county jail last Saturday when his wife and son stopped by for a visit. Nothing odd about this scenario, right? Well, things weren't quite as normal as they…
Hong Kong

Weekend Road Trip: Paul Beecroft In Hong Kong

  Street Market Street sign (read it carefully) Aberdeen Harbor Famous Jumbo Floating Restaurant in Aberdeen Harbour Tram (yes they still have them) Sign across Canton Road in Kowloon Chinese…
Jonathan Hayes

2009: A Deadly Year

While many are celebrating the beginning of a new year, a year of hope, change, and new beginnings, others are mourning the loss of the center of their worlds. The first police officer death in the line of duty occurred in 1792. Since then,…
Jonathan Hayes

Kicking Doors And Taking Prisoners

Ever wonder how cops manage to break in doors and windows when serving search warrants? The task is definitely not as easy as TV makes it look. A swift kick to a metal door normally breaks only one thing - the cop's foot. Of course, everyone…
Last Week In England With Paul Beecroft

Paul Beecroft: Extract From An English Notebook

My friend, Paul Beecroft, has spent a good deal of his life in law enforcement, in England. He's worked Foot Patrol, Area Car, Instant Response Car and also as a Police Motorcyclist. He's currently a coroner's investigator and has traveled all…
Jonathan Hayes

Jonathan Hayes: My Life In Blood

Jonathan Hayes ( is a senior forensic pathologist in the New York City Medical Examiner's Office, and author of PRECIOUS BLOOD (Harper 2007) and A HARD DEATH (Harper, 2009). Jonathan is also a special guest speaker for…
Jonathan Hayes

Castle: Vampire Weekend and The Sing Off

This week's episode was another repeat. I can't say I was disappointed because the break allowed me to watch the final show of The Sing Off. Did you guys watch this? It was great! A capella groups competed for a top prize of $100,000 and a Sony…
Jonathan Hayes

Burglary Investigations

It's 9:00 pm on Christmas Eve and you're at a neighbor's house drinking eggnog and exchanging gifts. Meanwhile, a man jimmies open your bedroom window, climbs inside, and then steals your jewelry, a TV, and your signed copy of Police Procedure…