Thank You GTCC!

Thank you GTTC


After twelve months of planning, tons of hard work, lots of fun, and three wonderful days of playing cops and robbers, it all boiled down to the stroke of pen. On Thursday, Denene and I traveled to Guilford Technical Community College to present the Writers’ Police Academy’s donation to the Criminal Justice Foundation. So, thanks to the hard work and generosity of everyone involved, we are pleased to announce that our donation for 2011 was…

A whopping $10,000.00!

That’s right, I said Ten Thousand Dollars!

Eric Holloman, the department chair for the GTCC public safety department, accepts the WPA’s $10,000.00 donation. The money is used for training and supplies above and beyond the department’s extremely limited budget.

Denene Lofland, Eric Holloman, Nancy Metzner, Jo Williamson

Thanks again to the Writers’ Police Academy recruits, Sisters in Crime, the High Point Public Library and “The Library Ladies,”our fabulous sponsors, the planning committee, volunteers, GTCC instructors, Guilford County Sheriff BJ Barnes, all the police officers, firefighters and EMS workers who donated their valuable off-time, presenters and speakers, those of you who donated items for the raffle and auction, and everyone who spread the word about our one-of-a-kind event.

Reflections of 2011…

See you in 2012 for an all new, even more exciting program, including the fabulous Lee Child, our 2012 keynote speaker!

3 replies
  1. Carole
    Carole says:

    Well done! And speaking of Lee Child, do you remember publishing a photo of Lee and another author from an earlier Writers Police Academy?

    I think it was a weapons safety class. Both authors were listening intently to the instructor and both had their rifles pointed directly at him.

    Most writers probably need to attend this academy.
    Thanks. 😉

  2. GunDiva
    GunDiva says:

    I’m still so sad I missed it this year, but have plans on returning for 2012. Seems the only time I get to use my vacation time is when I leave the state, so this seems like the perfect time to use it 🙂

    I’m thrilled that you were able to raise such a large amount for GTCC – it’s a lot of work to pull this together every year – thank you to everyone who was involved in the planning and execution of this amazing weekend.

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