Drug Idenification, Packaging, and Side Effects

Cocaine: Bale Me Out



Cocaine has been around for over 100 years. It’s use and abuse is not new. It was once used in many over the counter elixirs, and it was even one of the key ingredients in Coca Cola.


Powdered cocaine can be snorted, mixed with water and injected, or smoked.


Crack Cocaine

Crack cocaine is made from cocaine powder by cooking it in a mixture of baking soda, and water. The name “crack” comes from the sound the drug makes when it is heated.




Classic appearance of a crack addict – excessively thin, sunken cheeks, missing teeth, poor hygiene.


LSD was first synthesized in 1938 for possible medicinal use. It was derived from a fungus found on rye grass. Today, the drug can be sold on the street in pills, capsules, and in liquid form. Drops of liquid are often placed on the individual squares of blotter paper. The dealer sells these small squares to users.


Blotter acid is sold in individual squares of blotter paper.



Methamphetamine is one of the most widely used drugs in the country, especially in the Western and Midwestern areas of the U.S. Long term effects of the drug include, extremely violent behavior, paranoia, hallucinations (auditory), extreme paranoia, and delusions. The user often experiences an intense sensation of insects crawling across the skin, which results in obsessive scratching and tearing of the flesh. Users may also pick at their skin causing open sores called crank (nickname for meth) craters. Long term abuse of meth can also detroy teeth.



Destruction of teeth and gum tissue is a classic sign of long-term meth abuse.


More signs of meth abuse (before and after). Note the obvious sores on the face (crank craters).


Please, please, please seek immediate help for family and friends who exhibit signs of any substance abuse.

* Thanks again to the DEA for the use of the images on this site and in my book.

4 replies
  1. Lee Lofland
    Lee Lofland says:

    Stealth – The examples on the link you provided are excellent. I’ve seen them before and they’re real eye-openers. I’ve also seen people in everyday life who suffer the same problems. Addiction is not pretty.

  2. stealthmode
    stealthmode says:

    Hello Mr. Lofland!

    Long time reader; first time commenter. Rockin’ site!

    I’ve seen one of the images you use as an example of a crackhead used (many times) to demonstrate the long-term effects of meth. For one instance, see:


    I surmise whatever illegal drug use she’s representing at any given time, the picture of her only shocks those whom would never touch such hardcore substances and has essentially no affect on those whom do — I suspect that it will eventually have the same effect on the former group as it does the latter.

  3. D. Swords
    D. Swords says:

    Hi, Lee.

    Our local newspaper (SW Ohio) is running a series this week about the comeback of heroin in this area.

    Meth started to show up around here 5-6 years ago, but has never really taken hold. Its’ apparently one California trend that never caught on.

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