Coroner’s Investigator Paul Beecroft: A Stroll Through England’s Green and Pleasant Land

Coroner's Investigator Paul Beecroft: A Stroll Through England's Green and Pleasant Land


Falcon taking a sun bath

This Deer, one of a number that roam the farm and the surrounding farms is quite tame. Over the months I have spotted her a number of times. The day before these photos were taken she had spotted us from a field away and ran over to us and then followed me all over the fields and right up to the house.

However it wasn’t me she was interested in, it was Dax. She came right up to Dax and quite gently head butted her. After that it was like a game of tag which didn’t overly impress Dax after a few minutes play and she just wouldn’t clear off. Of course I didn’t have the camera with me on this day but I did the following day and once again she came over. She had one nuzzle with Dax before Dax cleared the fence and hid behind me.




3 replies
  1. Falcocop
    Falcocop says:

    Hello Pat,

    Cat is called Tiffany or Tiffs for short. She is 20 years old. It is only some four weeks ago that we lost her mother.

    Kind regards


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