Yvonne Mason: Bounty Hunting in the Big Apple

Yvonne Mason


Bounty Hunting in The Big Apple

“New York, New York”, this was one of the best classic songs known. New York is also one of the most well known states for the mob and crime. That being said, Hunters are in great demand in the “Big Apple”.

I was not able to find as much on the laws of Bounty Hunting in New York as I have been able to find in the other states. However, I did find an amended article dated April 2001.

In April 2001, Article 7 was amended to include a new licensing category: That being Bail Enforcement Agent. This Article stated: BEA Agents and its employees must comply with all the business practice requirements currently in place for PIs and WGPS. Additionally, BEAs must notify local police before attempting to apprehend a fugitive. The form of such notification is to be determined by the local law enforcement agency. Local law enforcement officials may accompany the bail enforcement agent to the site of the intended apprehension. BEAs cannot wear clothes or carry a badge suggesting they are an agent of the state or federal government.

One cannot apply for a BEA license unless they have three years as a police officer; investigator in an agency of the state, county or federal government; or an employee of a licensed investigator or at a firm, partnership, company or corporation where one member has been performing the duties described in the definition of bail enforcement agent. If this is not possible they must have 20 years as a police officer or fire marshal. Now while I understand the police officer, I am at a total loss as to the fire marshal.

Some states that have strong law enforcement union representation strongly influence bail bonds and bounty hunting requirements.

The BEA to be must complete a training program of not less than 25 hours as approved by the Secretary of the State but training can be waived if the person applying has served as a police officer for not less than three years.

Of course they can’t have any criminal convictions, they must have a fingerprinting done at a free of $50.00 and they must have a criminal background check done which they also pay for.

They have to post a surety bond of $500,000.00. The fee for a two year term of licensure is $400.00 for an individual proprietary license and $500.00 for a corporate or business license.

When I was hunting in Georgia, we had a jumper who as soon as he bailed out of an Atlanta jail fled back to his native state of New York. He had served time in the Queens prison for various felonies including assault with a deadly weapon, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, manslaughter, and other nice little crimes. He was also known for making the cocaine run from New York to Miami.

When we got the jacket we went to the last known address and after talking to the neighbors we found out he had backed up a U-haul to the front door cleaned out the apartment and fled. We chose not to chase him into New York. We knew he would get picked up sooner or later. Unfortunately, this jumper was not one of our success stories. Win some lose some.

7 replies
  1. SZ
    SZ says:

    Wow ! Elena ! That was cool. We are on line at the same time I guess.
    I will have to look into that site you sent, thank you. I am so toast, I need to look into a pillow and stop working. heh heh

    Is this an awsome blog or what ? I see you follow it close as well. I love it.

    Thanks again Lee, Yvonne !

  2. SZ
    SZ says:

    So what is WGPS ? Long day, brain dead already, ooohhh !
    And this is just Monday !
    As always. Very good stuff here.

  3. Yvonne Sewell
    Yvonne Sewell says:

    You are correct in your guess. Especially if he belongs to anyone in NY. There are some states which have recipical agreements with each other. NY is not one of them. And yes they do make it very easy to be a criminal there.

  4. SZ
    SZ says:

    Ok, so let’s pretend your guy leaves GA for NY. And it just so happens that your cousin Vinny is a BEA in NY. Can you accompany him on his apprehension ? Can he be the BEA if the bond is from GA ? I am guessing no from reading your blogs. They really make it easy to be a criminal !

    I cant figure out WGPS ?

    I am in a Union as well. Not a great one, I have been in better.

  5. Yvonne Sewell
    Yvonne Sewell says:

    Thank you for that bit of information. As you can see each state has its own little quirk when it comes to Buonty Hunters. And I agree with you that the Fire Fighters union in NY had alot to do with that part of the requirement. Yes, you could drive an entire battalion through that statement with all of the corruption and under the table nonesense which goes on I am surprised that anyone get picked up.
    I can’t wait to see what the great state of California holds for us. I will be pulling that information today for next week.
    I really appreciate the fact that so much interest in generated because of my blogs. I hope that folks are learning a lot of information and are understanding better that as hunters we have a hard row to hoe. It is not all glamour and kicking in doors. We are subject to being arrested for jaywalking if we don’t walk the line. (sounds like a song)
    WE have to be very careful and the criminal knows what states they can hide in so we can’t get to them.

  6. Elena
    Elena says:

    Hi Yvonne – you said a mouthful when you said that the unions in NY have quite an influence. Clearly they are considering the occupation of BEA as a suitable occupation for a LEO who has taken retirement after 20 years of service, to supplement their retirement income.

    Having grown up in a strong union family on one side, I would put money that the inclusion of fire marshall had to do with getting enough union support for something or another – definitely political.

    I applaud you for not venturing to Queens to nap the guy – you sent my red flags waving when I read that the local cops decide on the form of notification of intention to pick someone up. You could drive an entire battalion through that one!

    Finally found the right person here in WI – out of state legally licensed bounty hunters cannot operate at all in WI. They can go to the local police and ask them to do the pickup, but no guarantee that they will get cooperation.

    In many ways living here I’m reminded of the ‘isolationist’ attitude of the 20’s.

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