

When the day is long, the body is tired, the mind is stressed, and you simply want to release all the worries, it’s nice to have a place to go to unwind. And our new home is just such a place, and it’s where we left our tension-filled remnants of the 2011 Writers’ Police Academy (while you were having a fantastic time we were working our buns off!).

So please join us for a stroll around the new backyard. Meet our new neighbors. I think you’ll find it to be quite relaxing and beautiful. I know we do.

Okay, take a deep breath. Now, let it out slowly and follow me…


Now, don’t you feel better?


5 replies
  1. Ellie
    Ellie says:

    Wow – that’s where I want to retire when I grow up!

    You have the most beautiful scenery around your home. It’s my dream retirement, too!!

  2. H.L. Banks
    H.L. Banks says:

    Those photos stirred up a serious bout of envy, however, I’m sure the visual and other delights of your new neighbourhood are not lost to you. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Cardinal Robbins
    Cardinal Robbins says:

    Wow! Gorgeous photos. Just seeing them made me feel a whole lot better about my day. 🙂 Thanks for sharing them with everyone.

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