6 Ways to Transform a Boring Crime Scene into Fascinating Factual Fiction
There's nothing more boring than to read a book where the author lists a bunch of facts without any means whatsoever for us, the readers, to visualize how the crime is solved. You know the ones of which I speak ...
The cop, Detective Sergeant…
Renowned Toxicologist Dr. M. Fredric Rieders Joins 2021 MurderCon Lineup!
We are pleased to announce that renowned toxicologist Dr. M. Fredric Rieders has joined the 2021 MurderCon stellar lineup. This is an unbelievable opportunity to learn from one of the world's leading toxicology experts! His session, "Forensic…
Here’s Your Street Slang, “Shorty”
The world of cops and robbers is an entity all its own. It’s a culture that lives and breathes in every neighborhood of every city. And, within each individual subgroup comes a separate set of traditions, rules, regulations, and even their…