Tater Jenkins Done Killed Uncle Billy Buck Robinson: The Crime Scene
"Tater" Jenkins done killed Uncle Billy Buck Robinson. Quick, call the law afor'in' that son-of-a-biscuit-eatin' coward gets clean away!"
And so it goes. Aunt Ruthie Mae runs next door to use Lula Belle's rotary phone to call the police,…
Write Slower ‘Cause I Don’t Read as Fast as I Used To … Y’all
It's Saturday night, almost midnight, and your California protagonist has arrested a couple of strangers who sorta-kinda sound as if they're speaking English, but not quite. Sure, every third or fourth word is recognizable, but phrases such…
Break the Plastic Straw Law and Go to Jail, Where You’ll Sit, Eat, and Sleep … on Plastic
Serving time in a jail or prison can certainly be a stressful experience, even for the toughest of prisoners. After all, they must be on constant high alert for potential violence against them, such as a stabbing because they failed to show…