Weekend Road Trip: Linda McCabe in France

Linda McCabe


Lee asked if I would share some of my photographs from my trip to France with his readers. Lee is such a wonderful friend, how could I turn down such a request?

I have been slowly writing posts on my blog about my trip and spicing up the narrative with pictures. We started in Paris and the first thing we visited was Notre Dame Cathedrale.

Here is one of the famous rose windows from the inside.

A statue of Sainte Jeanne d’Arc or Joan of Arc.

Then we have the patron saints of Paris, Sainte Genevieve whose piety is credited for saving Paris from being sacked by Attila the Hun.

The other patron saint of Paris is Saint Denis. He was martyred and according to legend after his decapitation he picked up his head and walked away. The place he stopped is where Saint Denis Cathedral was built. Many kings of France were crowned and buried at Saint Denis.

Saint Denis is more likely to be depicted like he is on the outside of Notre Dame. Namely, holding his head in his hands.

From the left bank of the River Seine you can see the exterior of Notre Dame Cathedrale from the peacefulness of a small garden.

A short walk away from Notre Dame is where Abelard tutored and fell in love with Heloise. Their tragic love story started only a few hundred feet from the most famous church in France.

Another famous landmark in Paris is the Louvre. It started out as a palace and you can still recognize this from the courtyard.

Even in Paris, reminders of American popular culture can be found if you keep your eyes open.

The Louvre is known for many world famous works of art, but getting a good picture of the Venus de Milo is close to impossible due to the crowds surrounding that statue. However, you can easily get great photos of other statues whose beauty I frankly prefer over the Venus de Milo. Such as this one of the goddess Athena.

Or this statue of the goddess Artemis.

I shall leave you with an image of Notre Dame Cathedrale at night.

Have a good weekend.

Click here to view Linda’s ongoing recap of her journeys.

4 replies
  1. l.c.mccabe
    l.c.mccabe says:


    Being at an overcrowded airport is definitely not the way to experience any country, and especially not France.

    I look forward to the day when I can return there and explore more of that beautiful country..


  2. l.c.mccabe
    l.c.mccabe says:


    I’m glad you liked them.

    One night we saw a crowd of people watching fire jugglers outside of Notre Dame, but we didn’t have our camera with us.


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