The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

Cathedral of St. John


The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist is visible from almost anywhere in historic Savannah. And it’s downright breathtaking when you first catch a glimpse of the church spires reaching upward, piercing the sky through the gnarled live oaks.

There are many things I could say say and write about the church, but stepping inside seems to strip away one’s ability to describe. Indeed, it leaves you speechless, and to view these photos, well, this doesn’t come close to the awe and wonder of experiencing the church in person.

The church was built in the late 1800’s, and is the oldest Roman Catholic Church in Georgia.

6 replies
  1. Barbara L.
    Barbara L. says:

    Gorgeous! If I ever get to Savannah again, it’s a must see.

    I went to Salisbury Cathedral in England, built 750 years ago. It awes me that people built that then, it must have been a tremendous project. Imagining it then, it was the religion, and also the art, the music, the community, the nerve center of the area. There would have been little else to entertain people then, no theater, no TV, perhaps a tavern. What a powerful ‘advertisement’ for God!

  2. Radine Trees Nehring
    Radine Trees Nehring says:

    Stunning photos! Suggest also the much larger National Cathedral in Washington, DC, which took my breath away the minute I stepped inside. The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist is more colorful, however. As Marilyn says, one does feel the presence of God both places. (We were touring DC after Malice a few years ago, and took a trolley tour, which allowed riders to get off at any location, then resume the tour when they chose, waiting for the next trolley. We spent almost the entire day at National Cathedral.)

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