Tag Archive for: Police acronyms

It's HAD Day

“Yep, it’s an ABLE BOLO for a WM. Yes, A/B, well, really it was a case of ABWIK during a B&E. You know, I think the guy’s a SO, too.”

Have a little trouble following that sentence? Well, don’t feel bad. Even the experts can’t keep up with all the acronyms used by the various law enforcement agencies across the country. So, I’ve compiled a short list of them to help you better understand that aspect of cop speak. (Remember, these may differ from agency to agency. Always check with the authorities in the area where your story is set).

ABLE – Airborne Law Enforcement

AAG – Assistant Attorney General

ABH – Actual Bodily Harm

A/B – Assault and Battery

ABH – Actual Bodily Harm

ABWIK – Assault and Battery With Intent to Kill

ACHILD – Abandoned Child

ACU – Animal Control Unit

ADW – Assault with a Deadly Weapon or Assault with a Dangerous Weapon

AEW – Airborne Early Warning

AFTE – Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners

AKA – Also Known As

ALS – Alternate Light Source

ASU – Air Support Unit

ATL – Attempt To Locate

BAC – Blood Alcohol Concentration

BAU – Behavioral Analysis Unit

BCA – Bureau of Criminal Apprehension

BCI – Bureau of Criminal Identification or Bureau of Criminal Investigation

BDU – Bomb Disposal Unit

B/E – Breaking and Entering

BEO – Bicycle Enforcement Officer

BLS – Basic Life Support

BOLO – Be On the Lookout (Not APB!)

BOP – Bureau of Prisons

BRD – Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

CART – Child Abduction Response Team

CBPE – Certified Bloodstain Pattern Examiner

CBR – Chemical, Biological, and Radiological

CCF – Citizen Complaint Form

CCSI – Certified Crime Scene Investigator

CDE – Certified Document Examiner

CFN – Criminal File Number

CHINS – Child in Need of Services

CID – Criminal Investigation Department, or Criminal Investigation Division

CLT – Crime Laboratory Technician

CO – Commanding Officer or Correctional Officer

CWP – Concealed Weapon Permit

DA – District Attorney, or Domestic Assault

DARE – Drug Abuse Resistance Education

DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DB – Dead Body

DBV – Dog Bite Victim

DC – Death Certificate

DCJS – Department of Criminal Justice Services

DIP – Drunk In Public

DL – Driver’s License

DNR – Do Not Resuscitate

DUID – Driving Under the Influence of Drugs

DW – Dangerous Weapon

FEL – Felony

FLETC – Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

FOP – Fraternal Order of Police

GBH – Grievous Bodily Harm

GDC – General District Court

GL – Grand Larceny

GM – Gang Member

GNG – Gang-Related

GSR – Gunshot Residue

GSW – Gunshot Wound

HAZMAT – Hazardous Materials

HME – Home-Made Explosives

HO – Habitual Offender

IAD – Internal Affairs Division

IAU – Internal Affairs Unit

IBIS – Integrated Ballistic Identification System

IBR – Incident-Based Reporting

ICD – In-Custody Death

JDC – Juvenile Detention Center

JPO – Juvenile Probation Officer

JT – Jury Trial

K & R – Kidnap and Ransom

LKA – Last Known Address

LS – License Suspended

L/S – Lost/Stolen

LSA – Leaving the Scene of an Accident

OP – Life Without Possibility of Parole

MC – Medical Center

MCV – Mobile Command Vehicle

MDT – Mobile Data Terminal

Misd. – Misdemeanor

MU – Murder

NCIC – National Crime Information Center

NFI – No Further Information

NG – Not Guilty

NVG – Night Vision Goggles

OC – Oleoresin Capsicum (pepper spray)

OIC – Officer in Charge

OIG – Office of the Inspector General

OIS – Officer-Involved Shooting

OR – Released on Own Recognizance

PC – Passenger Car or Probable Cause

PCU – Property Crimes Unit

PEND – Charges Pending

PERK – Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (rape)

PIO – Public Information Officer

POB – Place Of Birth

POC – Point of Contact

POD – Place Of Death

POE – Port Of Entry

POI – Person Of Interest

RLSD – Released

SMT – Scars, Marks, Tattoos, and other characteristics

S/N – Serial Number

SO – Sex Offender or Sheriff’s Office

TF – Task Force

TOD – Time Of Death

TS – Top Secret

UC – Under Cover

UF – Use of Force

V/C – Victim / Complainant