Crooks say the darndest things, especially when operating their mouth parts while under the influence of alcohol, coke, and/or meth.
Here are some (only a few) of the things the little darlings said to me over the years. Use your imaginations to determine my response(s).
1. “Pepper spray me. Go ahead, I dare you. Spray me. That hot stuff don’t bother me.”

Okay, you asked for it …
2. “I’ll kill your family.”
3. “I know where you live.”
4. “You think you’re man enough? Well, you’re not. And your backup’s not so tough either. Bring it on …”

Sharp-dressed cops
5. “I’m not getting out of my car, and you can’t make me.”
6. “I’ve got a gun.”
7. “You’re not big enough or man enough to put me in that police car.”
8. “Don’t put your hands on me.”
9. “You won’t live long enough to put those handcuffs on me.”
10. As he rips off his shirt and flexes, while backing up … “You don’t want none of this.”

Why is it that even the smallest of the small think they’re toughest of all when they’re intoxicated?
11. “If I ever catch you out of uniform …”
12. “Does your dog bite?”
13. “If you think that fancy nightstick will stop me, think aga … OUCH!”
14. “Yeah, what are you going to do if you catch me?”
15. “You’re going to have to come in and get me.”
16. “I’m not scared of you or your police dog. I don’t care if it is a rottweiler.”
17. “You can’t arrest me. I play golf with your boss.”
18. “You can’t prove none of that.”
19. “I’m glad you’re the one who caught me. We’re friends, right? Want a chicken?”
20. While working undercover narcotics. “You have to tell the truth when I ask if you’re a cop, right?”
21. If you think my dog will let you take me out of this house, well, think again, Barney Fife. Sic ’em, Blue!”
Finally …
The list, my friends, is endless. As is the stupidity.
Seats at this unique event for writers are LIMITED!
2021 MurderCon takes writers behind the scenes, into actual murder cases where you’ll learn intricate crime-solving details, including the nitty-gritty about the instruments of death used by killers, such as poisons, a favorite means seen in countless numbers of books.
To help gather “poisonous” fodder for your next book, JOHN HARRIS TRESTRAIL, the renowned Forensic Toxicologist who’s known as worldwide as The Poison Detective, is scheduled to present “Forensic Toxicology: Poisoners Throughout History. This thought-provoking session is an entertaining and educational discussion of the history of homicidal poisoning from the days of early man, down to the present, with case discussions of real poisoners drawn from criminal history. Also discussed will be the psychology of the poisoner, and poisons used by writers in their fictional works.”
Other MurderCon classes include forensic botany, entomology, cold cases, case studies of the FBI, and much more.
I strongly urge you to take advantage of this rare opportunity to learn details not typically available for non-law enforcement.