Spring Unfolds
Soon will the lovely spring unfold
Her blossoms to the breeze;
And give with fruits of green and gold
Temptation to the trees.
Young April with her silver showers,
And tender tears of dew;
And beauteous May tho’ blooming bowers,
Their charms again shall shew.
Delightful Spring are long shall spread
The vale with varying green,
The strawberry and the cherry red,
In every grove be seen.
The garden gay and fertile field
Shall gild the earth again;
This brings its flowers, and that shall yield
The golden glittering grain.
I love to see the blooming bud
A rich red rose undo;
The apple blushing as with blood,
The plum with veins of blue.
To see the long prolific vine
It’s precious product mould;
And in the Summer’s sunbeam shine
Large grapes of glossy gold.
The poetry above is an excerpt from The Seasons by Dr. John Lofland, published in The Poetical and Prose Writings of Dr. John Lofland, The Milford Bard (1855).
Lofland, by the way, was a great friend of Edgar Allan Poe.
*The flower photos were taken yesterday in our backyard.