Off The Beaten Path: Maryland’s Eastern Shore

Off the beaten path


“Arousing from the most profound of slumbers, we break the gossamer web of some dream. Yet in a second afterward, (so frail may that web have been) we remember not that we have dreamed.” ~ Poe

*Images courtesy of Rachael Kramer

2 replies
  1. Lee Lofland
    Lee Lofland says:

    East Side. I remember it well. Do you remember the little building beside the bridge where they “picked” crabs?

    When I was a kid I spent my summers in Cambridge with my grandparents. They lived near that little bridge. And, to my grandmother’s horror, my uncle ( a young boy at the time) once swam the creek from one side to the other. It wasn’t very far, as you know, but the act terrified her.

    Many of my relatives still live in the area. My uncle still lives near Portside (he bought my grandparent’s old house).

    Such wonderful memories…

    By the way, my cousin took the photos.

  2. Kaye Barley
    Kaye Barley says:

    Lee, these are lovely!

    As you know, the Eastern Shore is home to me, and always will be.

    We were recently in Cambridge for a week for my 45th (EEK!) high school reunion. The reunion was held at a classmate’s home on the Choptank down in Hudson. Heaven! The reunion pre-party was held the night before at that little restaurant bar by the creek bridge where the bus station used to be – remember? It’s called Portside now, but used to be East Side. (my granny called it Buzzard’s Roost).

    Lots of recent Cambridge pix at Meanderings and Muses if you want another little walk down memory lane.

    take care,

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