Country Show At Downton Abby

Country show at Downtown Abby


Our good friend, Coroner’s Investigator Paul Beecroft, recently attended a Country Show on the grounds of Highclere Castle aka Downton Abby. The scenery was spectacular, and it sure looks like a grand time was had by all.

Male Kestrel

Black Vulture

European Eagle Owl

Harris Hawk

Golden Eagle on the grounds of Althorpe House, the home/resting place of Princess Diana.

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Paul Beecroft, has spent a good deal of his life in law enforcement, in England. He’s worked Foot Patrol, Area Car, Instant Response Car and also as a Police Motorcyclist. Paul currently works as a coroner’s investigator and has traveled all over England, Wales, Scotland and even Germany to investigate crimes.

2 replies
  1. Marni Graff
    Marni Graff says:

    Really enjoyed the photos~ have plans to visit Highclere after St. Hilda’s Crime Conference in Oxford in August, so this really was special. Thanks for posting, Lee~

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