A well-written book engages a reader’s emotions, as well as each of their five senses—touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. To do so, writers must call upon their own experiences to breathe life into their characters, setting, and actions.

Crime writers, the folks who take their fans into shootouts, car crashes, explosions, police pursuits, fights, courtroom trials, homicide investigations and crime scenes, and other situations that are highly atypical for the average person, face the reality of not having the background and know-how to draw upon as a resource.

Therefore, because they have no personal experience, writers of crime fiction have only a small handful of “so-so” available options to help with crafting those scenes. And, typically, their research tools are limited to relying on the word of another, read about it, or watch a video.

The results of this type of research often comes across on the page as being “flat,” as if something important is missing. For example, characters lack the knowledge of living cops and robbers, making them not quite up to par with their multi-layered real-life counterparts. Scenes are unbelievable and lack the depth that comes with having “been there, done that.” Dialog suffers because the author doesn’t quite understand the lingo and how and when to use it, other than hearing a television character speak.

The list of potential pitfalls is far too long for the writers who’ve never been involved in a shootout with an armed robber, or investigated a string of murders committed by a serial killer, applied handcuffs to the wrists of a criminal suspect, booked a subject into jail, driven a patrol car on an emergency vehicle training course, been in a deadly force situation where they had to decide whether to shoot someone, or not, fired a gun, tossed a flash-bang into an armed suspect’s home before “going in,” or ripped apart a vehicle using special power equipment.

Each of the above actions invoke the senses of anyone who’s present when they occur. If you’re not a law enforcement officer or other first responder whose job regularly requires involvement in those activities, it’s simply not possible to properly and accurately write those types of scenes in a manner that activates each of the senses.

How could a writer possibly describe the scent of gunpowder if they’ve not smelled it in person. Sure, they could read about it and then use someone else’s words in their work. But if that person’s description was inaccurate, then the story of the writer who used the secondhand information will also suffer the wrath of readers who know better.

A great example is the writer who describes detecting the scent of gunpowder in this way. “The detective knew the murder occurred recently because the odor of cordite lingered in the air.” 

We’ve all read this description time and time again, right? The author who writes this, I’m sad to say, doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about because cordite hasn’t been used in ammunition since its production ceased in England at the end of World War II, nearly 80-years ago.

No one will smell cordite at a crime scene or anywhere else unless, of course, the 100-year-old shooter used ammo he had leftover from his service during the Battle of Nuremberg in February of 1945.

So what’s a writers to do to solve this dilemma, you ask? Easy, no-brainer answer—attend the 2022 Writers’ Police Academy.

Attending the hands-on sessions at the Writers’ Police Academy is the best and ONLY means you have to experience those things in real-life, in real time, short of signing up to work as a law enforcement officer. There is no substitute for this one of a kind event, anywhere on our planet.

Here’s a preview of some of the 2022 exciting hands-on training sessions and classes taught by top experts.

Arrest and Booking – This session is the real deal. Once you arrive at the jail with a criminal suspect, you’ll take the subject out of the squad car, through the booking process, and finally to a cell, an unforgettable moment that’s punctuated by the sound of a steel door clanging shut behind them. This session includes use of the academy onsite booking area and actual holding cells.

Court Process – Taught by a sitting Wisconsin judge, this course covers the legal implications of bad decisions, from an initial appearance to motions hearings and ultimately a trial. Experience what it’s like to testify in court, recalling incidents, responding to legal questions, and more. Learn how your testimony affects and influences a jury.

Emergency Vehicle Operations (EVOC) – Hop in one of our patrol cars and buckle up, because during this exciting session you’ll maneuver the police vehicle through our Emergency Vehicle Operator Course on 26 acres of a closed training facility.

Firearms – Attendees delve into the types of weapons that officers use in their everyday duties. Learn the fundamentals of a Glock pistol and AR15 rifle. Become familiar with sight picture, sight alignment, stance, grip, and trigger control. Fire force on force ammunition on the indoor pistol range.

Tribal Policing – The United States has 574 federally recognized tribes in 35 states. The course guides attendees through the unique aspects of policing on tribal land. Some of the WPA’s academy facilities are situated on Oneida tribal land.

Use of Force Virtual Reality simulator – A heart-pounding, eye-opening, and extremely realistic session where you must decide, within a fraction of a second, whether to use deadly force. Experience how quickly situations unfold for officers. Once the headset is on, you’re there, in the thick of the action and it’s up to you to make the split second decisions.

Vehicle Extraction – Attendees use the Jaws of Life and see how these unique tools can lift vehicles and cut through virtually anything.

Vehicle Contacts – Law enforcement officers stop more than 32 million people per year. Traffic stops involve lots of moving parts, thoughts, tactics, and crimes. They can be, and often are, one of the most dangerous aspects of police work. This session will take you beyond the basics. Be prepared for … well, anything!

Forced Entry/Room Clearing – You and your team are dispatched to a location (our full-scale forced entry structure) where potentially armed and dangerous suspects are hiding. Upon arrival, you and your partners must enter to clear the building.

Participants experience first-hand the heart-pounding, adrenaline rush of “what if.” What if someone is truly in the building? What if they don’t belong there, and what if they have a weapon? What if they’re a wanted person who’s threatened to kill all police officers who try to capture them? Where are they hiding?

*Explosive devices will be used during this session; therefore, participants will be required to wear protective gear during this thrilling hands-on exercise.

Body Cameras – We’ve all seen police seen body camera footage—some good and some not so good.  These cameras have become a game changer for law enforcement and, in addition to merely recording in real time, have capabilities that are nothing short of amazing.

Defense and Arrest Tactics – Participants learn and perform techniques officers use to control behavior of cooperative and uncooperative suspects.

K-9 Operations – Everyone loves dogs, well, everyone except criminals! Spend some time with a K-9 officer and their K-9. Learn the ins and outs, from drug searches to tracking suspects. Bring your questions and cameras (please, no videos allowed) because these four-legged cops are anxious to show off, just for you! This session shows police dogs doing what they do best. Session may be outdoors, weather permitting.

Cops Doing Counterterrorism: Life In the Joint Terrorism Task Force – In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001, state and local government officials around the country were faced with a sobering reality: the job of preventing and responding to terrorism was not solely the responsibility of the federal government.  Moreover, the work of the 9/11 Commission revealed the problems of depending on select agencies with classified investigations: sharing the previously un-shareable with local partners was a necessary part of the solution. But should John McClaine be entrusted with exceptionally sensitive national security information?  Which Jack has the need and the right to know?  Bauer? Ryan? Reacher? Black? Sparrow? Retired Acting Assistant Chief Alan Hardwick discusses his experience transitioning from parking tickets and domestic disturbances to briefing the nation’s leaders on secret operations, along with the impact on local investigators who never dreamed they’d be in the middle of a secret war not only for their country, but for their own lives.

Armed in America – Retired ATF Special Agent Rick McMahan discusses the legal commerce and the misuse of firearms. The presentation touches upon the historical events that have been impetus to the nation’s guns laws. We will dispel some of the errors and myths about firearm laws, including why the most repeated line on TV crime shows and in books is completely wrong— “The gun was registered to the suspect.” The presentation examines legal definitions of various types of firearms, criminal schemes, and motives (i.e. firearms trafficking and theft), criminal manufacture and distribution of firearms (such as “ghost guns”), as well as restricted types of weapons. In addition, the class will explore firearms evidence forensically and how firearms are investigative tools for law enforcement.

Guilty Until Proven Innocent – Has your main character been dropped into the middle of an old investigation and quickly discovers much is wrong? Has a crime been solved, the accused are convicted and the real bad guys walk free among us, with society none the wiser? Join former NYPD Detective Marco Conelli as he takes you through the course of a real investigation that instantly carved its place in the New York news as well as the law journals of America.

The Spingola Files: An Evening With Steven Spingola – A captivating session presented by author Steven Spingola, a nationally renowned death investigator who was heavily involved in the high-profile case of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Known to his colleagues as “the sleuth with the proof,” Spingola is an investigator and on-air personality for Cold Justice, a popular Oxygen Channel true crime program.

Conversations With The B.T.K. Killer, Dennis Rader – This class, taught by Dr. Katherine Ramsland, focuses on the immersive process of interviewing a serial killer, the challenges of the prison system for such work, and the experience of co-producing the documentary. After hundreds of hours spent inside the mind of this serial killer, in the context of many other killers Dr. Ramsland studied, she offers multiple insights for crime and mystery writing.

Touch a Truck – A variety of public safety vehicles and equipment for attendees to view and explore. Officers and firefighters will be on hand to explain the functions of vehicles and tools used by first-responders. Q&A and demo. Indoor event.

Live, Action-Packed Scenario – this adrenaline-pumping, dramatic, and riveting event unfolds in realtime!

Writers’ Police Academy Registration Opens Tuesday,

February 1st at Noon EST 

Guest of Honor – International Bestselling Author Robert Dugoni


The action is real. The instructors are real. The knowledge gained is phenomenal. 

The Writers’ Police Academy experience is invaluable. 

*Images above are from past Writers’ Police Academy events. Raise your hand if you see someone you know. I see Lisa Gardner, Karin Slaughter, Lee Child, Jeffery Deaver, and …




The Writers’ Police Academy is pleased and excited to announce the coming release of our second anthology, “People Are Strange: Tales From the Graveyard Shift.”

We’re equally excited to announce that THREE lucky writers could see their stories appear alongside those of bestselling/award-winning authors such as Reed Farrel Coleman, Heather Graham, Deborah LeBlanc, Lisa Regan, Denise Grover Swank, Phoef Sutton, Katherine Ramsland, Denene Lofland, and Lee Lofland, to name a few.

And, to sweeten the pot, the foreword is written by international bestselling author Lisa Gardner!

The Contest

Contest begins February 18, 2020 and deadline to submit stories is midnight EST on June 1, 2020. Submit your stories below.

3500 to 5000 Words – No more. No less.


People Are Strange.


No graphic sex, abuse, or political hot buttons.


$35 per entry. Unlimited entries.

*Contest entry fees are used to help fund and support the Writers’ Police Academy, as are all royalties and payments earned from sales of the anthology.
Judged blindly

All submissions will be read blindly by the judges. Your story will be coded to ensure anonymity before it is sent to the judges, therefore your name should not appear anywhere within the body of the story.

Original works

All stories must be the sole, original work of the author.


Stories must be previously unpublished in print or electronically, including self-published works to include websites and blogs.

Three winners

The top two entries will be published in the WPA anthology People Are Strange: Tales From the Graveyard Shift. Publisher, Level Best Books.

To enter and/or view details, click here – People Are Strange Contest Entry

There’s still time to sign up!

MurderCon, presented by the Writers’ Police Academy, is a special hands-on training event for writers of all genres, with a specific focus on solving the crime of murder. It’s a unique juncture of fiction and fact taking place August 6-9, 2020 at the elite Sirchie compound in Raleigh, N.C. Sirchie is the Global Leader in Crime Scene Investigation and Forensic Science Solutions. Their products and training have helped solve thousands upon thousands of murder cases worldwide.

Attendees receive the same instruction that’s offered to, and attended by, top homicide detectives and investigators from around the globe.

MurderCon’s incredibly detailed and cutting-edge workshops, taught by some of the world’s leading experts, has never been available to writers, anywhere.

Yes, MurderCon is a “Killer” event, and you’re invited to attend!

Keynote speaker – David Baldacci

Special Guest Speakers – Featuring pathologist Dr. Judy Melinek & author/husband TJ Mitchell. Also, Ray Krone, death row exoneree. Hands-on classes by FBI, ATF, Sirchie, entomologists, forensic geologist, anthropologist, clandestine grave expert, medical examiners, private investigators, homicide and sexual assault detectives, & many more.

To add to the fun and excitement, there’s a murder to solve, by YOU!

And, there’s the BIG news … Well, it’s still a secret but here’s a hint. YOU and REACHER!!

Sign up TODAY at:


The day to signup to attend MurderCon is now only three short days away!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the wildly popular event, MurderCon is the ultimate hands-on training event where attendees—writers, readers, fans, law enforcement, journalists, TV and film writers, etc.—receive the same instruction that’s offered to, and attended by, top homicide detectives and investigators from around the world.

It’s a unique juncture of fiction and fact that takes place at the headquarters and training facility of the global leader in crime-scene investigation technology, Sirchie. Together, Sirchie and the Writers’ Police Academy, assembled an elite cadre of top experts to present exciting and extremely detailed workshops and classes, all relating to the crime of murder and how the savvy detectives solve those cases. I cannot begin to stress the significance of attending classes at the Sirchie compound. This is a HUGE opportunity for you!!

MurderCon classes are far above the typical sessions offered at any other event. It’s the real deal, folks. MurderCon is where your stories are transformed from good, to “readers will not want to put down your book until they’ve devoured the final word.”

It’s one thing to read about police investigations and how cases are solved, but reading alone cannot deliver true physical and emotional sensations—sights, sounds, touch, smell, taste, etc. Attending MurderCon places attendees in situations and scenarios that real-life law enforcement investigators face each and every day.

The 2020 MurderCon is an advanced learning adventure. We’re offering to you, the level of instruction that many police officers only dream of attending. Those who do are often lead or upper level detectives.

Now, available to YOU, is a schedule of classes that are typically “for law enforcement eyes only.” Classes are all brand new for this exclusive 2020 event.

Please, I urge every writer to take advantage of 2020 MurderCon. This is your opportunity to take your writing to another level. You owe it to yourself and to your readers and fans.

So why not join the thousands of writers who’ve attended and benefited from the experience? The list is long and it includes authors such as Tami Hoag, Lisa Gardner, Lee Child, Jeffery Deaver, Karin Slaughter, Christopher Reich, Lisa Regan, Heather Graham, Lee Goldberg, Charlaine Harris, Kendra Elliot, Melinda Leigh, Denise Grover Swank, Mary Burton, Deborah LeBlanc, and Marcia Clark, to name only a few. Attendees range from top bestsellers to the writer who’s just begun to plot and plan their very first tale.

2020 MurderCon Guest of Honor

David Baldacci is a global #1 bestselling author, and one of the world’s favorite storytellers. His books are published in over 45 languages and in more than 80 countries, with over 130 million copies sold worldwide. His works have been adapted for both feature film and television. He has also published seven novels for young readers.

David is also the cofounder, along with his wife, Michelle, of the Wish You Well Foundation®, which is dedicated to supporting adult and family literacy programs in the United States.

David is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Virginia School of Law.

He lives in Virginia.

Featuring Special Guests

Dr. Judy Melinek is forensic pathologist in Oakland, California. She’s also the CEO of PathologyExpert Inc. Dr. Melinek and her husband T.J. Mitchell are the co-authors of the New York Times bestselling books Working Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies, and the Making of a Medical Examiner.

Ray Krone, the 100th death row exoneree, delivers an emotional and captivating account of his arrest, trial, conviction, and life on death row, all for a murder he didn’t commit. After more than 10 years in Arizona prisons, including nearly three years on death row, the combination of another man’s DNA found at the crime scene, a discredited expert witness, prosecutorial misconduct, and faulty bitemark evidence were the keys that led to Ray’s exoneration.

2020 Classes

(click the titles below to read session description, and instructor details)

“Sedimental” Journey

Art Of Blood

Extraordinary Departures

Fido Finds A Femur

From The Inside Out

Gazing Into The Cloud

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Homocide Or Homicide: You Decide

How Trauma Affects Memory


Sex Crimes Investigations

Smoking Guns And Lasers

They Saw You Do It

Under The Trench Coat

Who’s MARK

A Murder to Solve!

Join us at MurderCon 2020 for a Crime-Inspired Murder Mystery Scavenger Hunt and Clue Game.

From the time WPA attendees enter the host hotel (maybe even before arriving) authors must pay attention, listen carefully, and observe thoroughly, clues to solve a whodunit.

Book signing, anthology release, auction, raffle, short story contests, and MORE!

Please the MurderCon website for all details.

See how your story could be included in a traditionally published anthology along with those written by Reed Farrel Coleman, Heather Graham, Lisa Regan, Denise Grover Swank, Deborah Leblanc, Phoef Sutton, and many more. And, to sweeten the pot, the foreword is written by Lisa Gardner!


Registration at 12 Noon EST, Sunday, February 23, 2020

Be Ready to Register at Noon EST this Sunday, February 23, 2020.
Space is limited and spots typically go quickly. Believe me, you do NOT want to miss this exclusive event of a lifetime.

The Writers’ Police Academy is pleased to announce the coming release of our second anthology in the “Tales From the Graveyard Shift” series. Contributing authors are already hard at work writing individual mysterious and thrilling tales of suspense.

In 2019, as part of the WPA’s annual fundraising campaign to help support the exciting, valuable, and mega-expensive hands-on training event (MurderCon), we hosted a fun writing contest. The premise was simple—write and submit a 2,500 to 5000 word short story based on the anthology title, After Midnight: Tales From the Graveyard Shift. The top two lucky winners had their short stories included in a traditionally published book that includes tales written by top authors such as Heather Graham, Allison Brennan, Phoef Sutton, Katherine Ramsland, and Robin Burcell, to name only a few. To sweeten the pot, #1 internationally bestselling author Lee Child wrote the book’s foreword.

The 2020 WPA Anthology Contest

This year we plan to publish the top THREE stories. Contest rules remain the same—write a 2,500 to 5000 word short story using the 2020 anthology title, People Are Strange: Tales From the Graveyard Shift, as the theme of the tale.

Yes, your story could soon appear alongside those of the popular authors listed below, and with a foreword by #1 international bestselling author Lisa Gardner. How’s that for exciting!

Contest begins later this month with a deadline to submit stories of midnight EST on April 15, 2020. Therefore, if you plan to enter consider this post as a heads-up to begin writing your stories. Contest details and full submission guidelines will appear on the all new Writers’ Police Academy/MurderCon website that’s scheduled to go live in a few days.

Book Description – “People Are Strange: Tales From the Graveyard Shift”

In the eerie glow of storefront neon lights and winking, blinking traffic signals, top bestselling thriller author Lisa Gardner emerges from the shadows onto a desolate, rain-soaked and uneven cobblestone street. It is from there, between the hours of midnight and dawn—the graveyard shift, that she introduces this collection of gripping tales of thrills, chills, and mystery.

*Lisa Gardner’s internationally acclaimed novels, published across 30 countries, have won awards from across the globe. She’s also had four books become TV movies and has made personal appearances on TruTV and CNN.

About the Editor

Phoef Sutton is a New York Times Bestselling author. The winner of two Emmy Awards for his work on the classic television comedy CHEERS and a Peabody Award for the legal drama BOSTON LEGAL, he also wrote for the cult FX show TERRIERS. As a screenwriter, his credits include MRS. WINTERBOURNE and THE FAN, starring Robert DeNiro. He has written several movies for television, including DARROW & DARROW, PAST MALICE, and DARROW & DARROW II.

Phoef has also written plays and novels, among them FIFTEEN MINUTES TO LIVE and his “Crush” mysteries, CRUSH and HEART ATTACK AND VINE – both of which received starred reviews from Kirkus. With Janet Evanovich he has co-authored WICKED CHARMS and CURIOUS MINDS.

His most recent books are COLORADO BOULEVARD (another Crush mystery) and FROM AWAY. Together with his good friend Mark Jordan Legan he created the cult comedy THANKS and they are writing a number of new pilots and movies.

He lives in South Pasadena, California and Vinalhaven, Maine with his wife and two daughters. He also does a podcast with Mark Jordan Legan about weird and unusual cinema: FILM FREAKS FOREVER. His website is phoefsutton.com and you can reach him on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.

Contributing Authors

Contributing authors in the second anthology produced by the Writers’ Police Academy include a stellar list of bestselling mystery, thriller, suspense, and crime authors, top television writers, true crime and law enforcement experts, literary agents, attorneys, publishers, and more.

Your story will appear along with those written by:

Reed Farrel Coleman

Heather Graham

Lisa Regan

Denise Grover Swank

Deborah LeBlanc

Phoef Sutton

Joe Bonsall

Paula Munier

Katherine Ramsland

Michael A. Black

Lisa Black

Denene Lofland

Lee Lofland

Les Edgerton

Marco Conelli

Mike Roche

Bruce Coffin

Rick McMahan

Pamela Samuels-Young

Cheryl Yeko

Melanie Atkins

Allison Davis

Dennis Palumbo

Lorraine Shumate

Shawn Reilly Simmons

Harriette Sackler

Verena Rose

Stacy Allen

This could be your one chance in a lifetime to have your writing appear in a traditionally published book with Lisa Gardner’s name on its cover. Let that sink in for a minute … and then get busy writing your winning story!