An Alaska Adventure: It’s All About The Dogs

Alaska: All about the dogs


Our friend, Monica, decided to follow a lifelong dream and head to Alaska to live and work with sled dogs. She left behind a very comfortable life in sunny California to trek to a very remote area where, for three months, she now resides in a one room cabin with no running water, and the only heat is supplied by a wood-burning barrel fed with wood she splits by hand. Monica’s duties include feeding, watering, cleaning, and exercising 60 dogs, all in temperatures that sometimes dip to -40F. And she couldn’t be happier.

The dogs are owned by Zoya DeNure (a former International fashion runway model who also followed her dream of working with sled dogs) and John Schandelmeier, a legendary sled dog racer.

So here’s a taste of  living the life with 60 champion dogs in the wilds of Alaska:

Camping along a river with the dogs

Loading straw for the dogs (it keeps them warm)

An October trip

Smiling for the camera!

In addition to the daily supplies of Eukanuba dog food, the dogs receive salmon for additional protein. The salmon is chopped and cut by hand.


Time to get up, already?

Leaving the lodge for a bit of exercise

2005 Quest

A long way from California

Ready to race!

Zoya DeNure

*You can see additional photos and learn more about Zoya, John, and the dogs at

* Read more about Monica’s adventure here.





2 replies
  1. MaryQuinn
    MaryQuinn says:

    Well, I certainly give Monica credit for having the determination to follow her dream. And glad that she’s enjoying her experience. On the other hand, anything below 20 degrees is too cold for me.
    -40 degrees? No thank you.

  2. jennymilch
    jennymilch says:

    Monica, I wanted to say how much I admire your expedition! I’m telling my kids about it–they have a touch of the wilderness spirit themselves, especially my just-turned-five-year-old son. Please keep the stories coming! And thanks, Lee, for having such a fascinating blog.

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