Writers, Name Your Poison
Writers of various genres are forever devising clever ways to send murder victims to their graves with undetected causes of death. One such favored method, poisoning, has proven quite reliable on the written page.
Here are a few of the deadly…
Elaine Munsch: An Arresting Visit – The Writer’s Police Academy in Wisconsin
Author Elaine Munsch joins us today to share her experiences at the 2022 Writers' Police Academy.
Welcome to The Graveyard Shift, Elaine. It's always a pleasure to have a guest on the site.
I'll now quickly exit and the floor is yours.
5 Ways Officers Can Avoid the Dreaded Pucker Factor
Pucker Factor. Two simple words that, when spoken separately, have truly harmless meanings.
1. Pucker: a rounded shape by folding or wrinkling, such as puckering your lips.
2. Factor: an element contributing to a result.
However, when…