2015 WPA: The Final Countdown Has Begun!


In less than 24 hours registration opens for one of the most exciting events you’ll ever attend. Believe me, we’ve held back nothing. Not a thing.

You told us what you wanted and needed and, thanks to Joe LeFevre and crew at the Public Safety Training Center in Appleton, Wi., and to our own dedicated team of top experts, we’re bringing it. And we’re bringing it hard.

Let’s see…

– You asked for real firearms training with real ammunition. Done.

– You wanted the experience of an actual police pursuit. Done.

– You definitely wanted shoot/don’t shoot training, one of the most popular and highly-prized workshops of the event. Got it.

But we’re not only offering the wildly popular simulator, we’ve taken it two steps further by taking you through the entire process, sending you into a building to search for an armed robber. Yes, both you and the robber will be armed and you can definitely expect an exchange of gunfire. This additional session is not simulator training. It’s the real, heart-thumping deal!

– What’s it like to be behind the wheel of a patrol vehicle traveling at high speeds when it suddenly spins out of control? Well, you asked for it. The question is, are you up for the ride of a lifetime?

– Experience delivering a baby while in the back of an ambulance? Sure, you’ll have the opportunity to deliver a little one.

– Shoot-outs? Got ’em.

– How do officers gain control of unruly airplane passengers? You know, in those small and tight spaces? Well, we have a full-size Boeing 727 along with a team of experts who’ll provide the necessary training. It’ll be up to you take charge of whatever happens next. Good luck!

– Who’s in charge of the dead body at the crime scene? What happens at an autopsy? Deputy Coroner Les James tells all.

– Wish you could visit a working Forensics Lab to see how evidence testing is actually performed? Gee, we just happen to have a fully functional lab ready and waiting for you. And, we have top experts/scientists standing by to teach you how to do it all!

– Is it possible to retrieve fingerprints from wet evidence? How about from the sticky side of duct tape? No problem, we have a workshop just for you. Our instructors will have you lifting hard-to-locate prints in no time at all.

– “Gee,” you said, “I’d sure like top meet and pick the brain of one of those experts you see on popular true crime TV shows. They’re so doggone smart.” Well, we just happen to have Dr. Katherine Ramsland—48 Hours, Discovery ID, Forensic Files, etc.—as part of our team and she’s presenting a couple of fascinating workshops designed especially for you.

– Bloodstain Patterns. How in the world do investigators use them to determine where the killer was standing when he fired his weapon? What about the victim? Cops can really tell if he was standing or kneeling when he was killed? All by looking at blood spattered on the kitchen wall? Not only can investigators read the spatter, you will also have the expertise to do so after completing our workshop. This one, like the others, is hands-on, and it will be you who performs the investigation. After training, of course.

– Karin Slaughter as keynote speaker? Got her.

– Allison Brennan presenting a special session. Got her.

– The return of The Love Doctor? Yes, he and his cohort Rick McMahan will be there with bells on (and hopefully a lot more clothing than the horror we witnessed last year!) Remember this…

The Love Doctor, Secret Service Special Agent Mike Roche

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ATF Special Agent Rick McMahan

New Picture

Even I was the target of the fun. However, unlike the others, my photo was extremely realistic.

New Picture (3)

But that’s not all. There’s drug ID, robbery, burglary, good food, a great hotel, a cool city, snarling K-9’s, fire, sirens, smoke, booms and bangs, gunpowder, cops, SWAT, detectives, patrol cars, jail cells, undercover detectives, special ops, dead bodies, crime scene photography, booking prisoners, seeing old friends and meeting new ones, and much, MUCH MORE!

And all this can be yours. All you have to do is click a few computer keys tomorrow morning at precisely 11 a.m. EST.

Remember, spots at the WPA are filled on a 1st come/1st served basis. Once the event is sold out we will not be able to add more spots, and we do expect to sell out quickly. So please register at precisely 11 a.m. tomorrow morning, February 14, 2015. This is THE event of the year!

To sign up go to the WPA website and click the “Click Here To Register” button.

Writers’ Police Academy

See you there!