YES, America, There Is A 2015 Writers’ Police Academy!


Absolutely YES, there will be a 2015 Writers’ Police Academy!

We are indeed moving to a new location, one that’s even larger and more exciting with far more to see and do than the previous spot. In fact, we’ll be at one of the top law enforcement training facilities in the U.S. You asked for it and we delivered.

Of course, we’ll miss the previous location and our wonderful friends there, and we’re grateful for all they’ve done over the years to help writers “get it right.” The fact is, thanks to you, we’ve simply outgrown the space. Who knows, though, you just may see some of the folks from GTCC at the new venue…

WPA 2015 is a “Do NOT want to miss” event. OMG it’s going to be fantastic!

Never before have writers had the opportunities that are available at this event. I’m talking experiences you could never imagine in your wildest…well, maybe you could imagine something of this magnitude, but doggone it we’re making it a reality. Think the past WPA’s have been exciting? Well, WPA 2015 is definitely over the top!

I’ll be making the full announcement very soon. So please do spread the word for me. Dates and registration details are also on the way.

By the way, we’d love to welcome RWA, MWA, ITW, ACFW, NINC, and other writers’ organizations to be a part of the experience. Please contact me at for details about how you can join the WPA family.

As always, we deeply appreciate the generous support of Sisters in Crime and its members.

*Remember, there’s only ONE Writers’ Police Academy! If you don’t see my name or our logo, well, you’re at the wrong place. But don’t be afraid. Simply stop, turn around, and yell for me as loudly as you can. I’ll save you.