The Royal Family…In A Phonebox!

The Royal family


Artist Timmy Mallet put a new spin on the familiar British red phonebox. His creation—Ring-A-Royal-Phonebox—is on display outside Royal Albert Hall, and features…well, you’ll have to see this one for yourself.

Prince Harry in the familiar Usain Bolt pose

Her Majesty The Queen and her beloved Corgi

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, in her stunning blue dress, with a golden pram that’s waiting for the baby

Artist/TV presenter Timmy Mallet

There’s plenty more to see after visiting Timmy Mallet’s phonebox.

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Today’s photos courtesy of our good friend Paul Beecroft.

Paul Beecroft, has spent a good deal of his life in law enforcement, in England. He’s worked Foot Patrol, Area Car, Instant Response Car and also as a Police Motorcyclist. Paul currently works as a coroner’s investigator and has traveled all over England, Wales, Scotland and even Germany to investigate crimes.

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