Tag Archive for: K-9

I’m currently working an extremely dangerous undercover assignment in a massive dog-fighting ring, but I’ve blown my cover to speak with you today about a very important subject—K-9 handlers.

Please feel free to call me “Dawg.” Not my real name, of course. But I’ll answer to it, especially if there’s a treat or my favorite toy in your hand.

I’ve risked exposing my true ID because, well, sometimes you guys, dog handlers and civilian pet owners, don’t use your heads. I’m not saying you’re stupid. Although, it’s no secret who’s on the “smart end” of the leash. The instructor at the state police academy who trained the guy writing this blog stressed that fact every single day for 16 long and grueling weeks. “Your dog is on the smart end of the leash, troopers. Let the dog lead the way,” he’d say. That was one intelligent state police lieutenant.

He’s right, you don’t think before you act and you thinking you know it all causes us, the K-9s, to look dumb. Let. Us. Do. Our. Jobs. We’re really good at what we do.

Another thing. Seriously, you think it’s okay to leave us in the car while you’re outside standing in the shade yucking it up with your buddies? We enjoy a good joke too. Besides, the grass feels wonderful on our feet. And don’t think I can’t smell the burgers and fries on your breath when you get back inside the bucket of bolts you so proudly call a police car. Nearly an hour inside Mickie D’s …. puhleeze …

And, remember that traffic stop last week? Yeah, you know the one. I know you only issued her a warning. But I’m not stupid. I get it. She batted her eyelashes at you and she smelled like jasmine. What I don’t understand, though, is why you didn’t you introduce me to the poodle riding shotgun. You know I’m a sucker for curly hair. Life is not all about you and your shiny badge and big gun, you know.

Anyway, our union, Police Dogs 101, recently elected me to serve as official spokesdog, so I’m here today to address a few of our concerns in advance of the upcoming contract renewal. It wouldn’t hurt private citizens to pull up a chair and listen as well. So here goes.  I suggest you take notes.

1. We notice that you wear shoes to work every single day of your life. And we know why. Oh, boy, do we know why! Snow and ice are COLD. Concrete and asphalt are HOT. And, for goodness sake, would you walk barefoot over broken glass? Well, no one, including dogs, should be forced to walk on those surfaces. So take your narrow hips to the store and buy us some booties! They make and sell them every day. We don’t mind looking goofy if it means protection against frostbite, blisters, or cuts. Use your head, you Sherlock wannabe.

2. We enjoy biting a bad guy as much as any dog, but our internal temperatures can skyrocket while tracking and searching on really hot days. That’s right, Ace, you try wearing a thick fur coat in the August sunshine. So keep one of those thermometer things in your pocket. No, we don’t enjoy it when you poke them into the place where the sun doesn’t shine, but it’s better than keeling over from heat exhaustion. We’d do it ourselves, but … no fingers, you know.

3. Another good idea, and goodness knows you’d never think of it, is to wet us down before a search on hot days. It helps keep us cool. But, please, not when the humidity is really high, because the water in those instances would only serve to hold the heat in.

4. Bring plenty of water with you if the search is going to be a long one. We don’t like drinking from mud puddles and creeks. Do you know what’s been there? Well, we do, and it’s not exactly the most sanitary thing to do. Would you drink from something that turtles and frogs use as a toilet? I didn’t think so. And let’s not even think about all the mosquito larvae swimming and squirming around in those places. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Do us both a favor and bring along clean water!

Speaking of water … how about changing the water in my bucket a few times during the day (the containerl in my kennel)? You know me, I drool in it, and even sometimes step in it to cool my hot feet (and you know where my feet have been). Besides, I don’t like tasting the green slimy stuff that can build up in the bowl/bucket if the water sits for a long time.

5. If you do insist upon leaving me in the car while you’re off doing who knows what (probably biting someone behind my back), then please have the decency to leave the car and air conditioning running. Also, have the motor pool mechanics install an alarm that notifies you if either of the two malfunctions or shuts off. Remember, I don’t have fingers to operate the power locks and those window roller-downer-things.

6. Shade. I can’t stress this enough. We want our kennels placed in the shade. If your yard is treeless (heaven forbid) then march your butt down to the hardware store and purchase a roll or two of shade cloth to place over the top of our kennels. It’s an easy project. We’ll even help, if you want.  If so, merely place the roll near us and I promise we’ll have it unrolled and divided into bite-size pieces in no time flat. Now that’s what we call fun.

7. Speaking of fun … we demand a few hours of play time each day. You cannot expect us to work every minute. Throw something for us to retrieve. Hide something and let us find it. Let us roll around in the dirt, etc. Tug of war with a rope or our favorite toy. Anything like that will suffice. Besides, it helps to keep us fit.

My friend Ralph (below), poor guy, has a handler who never allows him any exercise time at all. Take a good look, because you’ve been a bit slack lately and I’m now about five tennis ball throws away from looking like him.

K-9 Ralph


8. And whatever you do, please don’t forget to tell us what a great job we’re doing. We absolutely adore praise for a job well done. Also, a little loving goes a long way.

Don’t go getting all mushy on me, though. A pat on the head and back and an occasional hug is all we’re asking. You can save the kisses for your spouses. Besides, you have more germs in your mouth than I do, and I’ve been known to chew on some pretty nasty stuff.

Okay, that’s it for now. We look forward to your response in advance of our next meeting.

By the way, if you happen to see that poodle again, tell her to give me a call.



A dog’s nose is its superpower. In fact, it’s so powerful that a dog could, if it desired to do so, detect a single spoonful of sugar in a million gallons of water (two Olympic-size pools).

As a former K-9 handler, tales (pun intended) of amazing sniffers fascinate me. For example, the dog who detected 35 pounds of marijuana wrapped in watertight material and submerged in a car’s gas tank that was filled to the brim with gasoline. Another dog, a cancer-sniffing dog insisted that a spot on a patient’s skin was melanoma, a place that doctors had pronounced as cancer-free. Finally, after more testing, a biopsy confirmed melanoma in a small fraction of the cells. This SuperDog, of course, dropped the mic and left the building.

So, in the field, how do dogs use that extraordinary group of sensors to zero-in on their targets (narcotics for drug-detection dogs, explosive for bomb dogs, etc.).

This is where Scent Cones come into play. Before we dive in completely, first remember that the best conditions for a dog to search (outdoors) is when the temperatures are cool, but rising slightly, a bit of humidity, and little or no wind. Wind is not a friend, but doesn’t stop the dogs from getting the job done. It does, however, alter the direction of the scent cone.

A scent cone is simply an imaginary cone-shaped area that begins at the source of the odor/scent (a body, drugs, a firearm, explosives, etc.).

The handler ideally starts the dog in a position that’s downwind from the area to be searched. If the area is hilly and the temperatures are hot, the dog should start in an elevated position since the air (scents) will be rising.

Once in position, the dog heads toward the scent, criss-crossing its way back and forth through the scent cone. I know, clear as mud, right? Let me see if I can find that sketch … Okay, I have it and I’ve taped below to help you better understand how this works.

Okay, the dog starts its search at the wide end of the scent cone (to the right in the image). –>

The cone represents the space the scent travels along the breeze/air. It’s strongest in the center, but gradually fades the further you move away from the middle of the cone.

Therefore, when we see the dogs running back back and forth, what they’re actually doing is running until they no longer smell their target. When that happens they make a U-turn and run in the opposite direction until they no longer smell it in that direction. Then they once again turn and go in the opposite direction until they scent is no longer detected. They continue this pattern all while moving closer and closer to the scent. As they move toward the scent as it grows stronger and as a result the cone becomes smaller.

Finally, they reach their target and the handler gives them their toy as a reward for doing a fantastic job. The toy, after all, is what they’re after. Not a dead body or a package of cocaine. Finding the target of their search is merely the means they use to get to their beloved toy and a bit of fun time with their handler. Believe me, these dogs are full of energy and they love to run and play and jump and … well, they love being dogs, and that’s part of what keeps them in such great shape, physically.

Remember, scent cones move with the breezes, heat, cool, etc. Dogs know where to go and what to do. If mistakes are made, they’re made by handlers who think they know more than their dogs. We don’t. As my instructor at the Virginia State Police Academy used to tell us, “The dogs are on the smart end of the leashes, not you. Stop trying to think and trust your dogs!” Then we’d run a zillion miles. It was his gentle method of helping those words sink in.

See, Lieutenant, it worked. I still remember!

Transporting Prisoners

Years ago, when I first went to work for a county sheriff’s office, police procedure and equipment were quite a bit different than they are today. Yes, that was back in the day when my co-workers were Flintstone and Rubble and other Bedrock friends.

Transporting Prisoners back in the dayIn those days, we didn’t have cages or partitions between the front and rear seats to separate us from the folks we’d arrested.

The lack of that piece of important equipment meant we had to transport unruly prisoners in the front passengers seat, which often made things a bit dicey. This was especially so when a suspect was a homicidal maniac who carried on vivid and animated conversations with the voices inside their twisted minds. It was slightly unnerving the night when a violence-prone prisoner said to his invisible friend, “Sure, I’ll do it. I’ll kill the cop.”

Once in a while we’d encounter a “little darlin'” who’d decide that he should have control of our sidearms, a desire that caused us to fight tooth and nail all with them the way to the jail, all while trying our best to keep our pistols inside our holsters instead of in the hands those homicidal maniacs who wanted to kill us.

If suspect was particularly combative we’d call on another deputy to ride in the back seat with them. This type of subject was often a real sweetheart who, by this time in the process, had urinated and/or thrown up on the seat, floor, windows, and even the ceiling of the car. Sometimes, if we were really lucky, they’d also “do their business” in their pants and then smear the feces on any and every available surface.

Ah, the good old days of wrestling with one hand, holding onto to your weapon with the other, all while rolling around in a puddle of warm, fresh body fluids and other “matter.”

Indeed, those were the days. Sigh …

Today, though, police cars are equipped with sturdy cages and partitions that prevent prisoners from assaulting officers during transport. Partitions also provide a slight sound barrier between the front and rear compartments. Not much, but any reduction of nonsensical noise level is nice.

I’m Super Important, Don’t You Know?!

Believe me, there’s nothing like a nice Saturday night drive while listening to a drunk screaming obscenities at the top of their sweet little lungs. And, did you know there are people who have the power to cause the immediate dismissal of any officer who dares to arrest them? Yes, they’re out there and they’re quick to let you know they possess this unique ability. They typically inform you of this remarkable power by screaming subtle niceties while their onion-dip-vomit-pickled-pig’s-feet-cheap-beer-smelling breath gently caresses your face and tickles your nostrils.

“You work for me, a**hole. I pay your salary.”

“I’ll have your job, a**hole. I know the sheriff.”

“The mayor’s my cousin’s brother’s sister’s mother on my daddy’s side of the family. You just wait until she hears about this. You’ll be in the unemployment line come Monday morning, you a**hole.”

Drunk obsenities Of course, the violent kicking of the doors, windows, and cage, and the screaming, spitting, and peeing everywhere like a spurting, spraying backyard lawn sprinkler, combined with the constant barrage of blaring radio traffic and wailing and yelping sirens, all join together to ensure a safe, smooth, and distraction free ride to the jail. This soothing, ambiance helps to settle an officer’s nerves after struggling for twenty minutes to handcuff the intoxicated violent wife-killing, puking, window-kicker.

Many police cars also feature hard plastic rear seats and drain plugs in the floor. These two features are worth their weight in gold. Now, officers can simply hose out the entire back seat area, if needed (and you now know why).

Here’s a few tips for transporting prisoners:

1) Always search the prisoner before placing them inside the patrol car. This includes a visual search of the inside of their mouth, a place where handcuff keys, drugs, etc. are easily hidden.

2) Always search the rear compartment of the patrol car before and after transporting a prisoner. The same is true before a shift begins and again when the shift ends. The reason is to locate any evidence/contraband so it can’t be blamed on someone who did not leave it there. They (arrestees) leave it behind so it won’t be discovered during booking (drugs, weapons, etc.), because it could lead to additional chargers for weapon and drug possession. Of course, officers should find all items when searching suspects subsequent to arrest, but things happen. They’re human and bad guys are slick. That’s part of what makes them bad.

3) Prisoners should be handcuffed with their hands to the rear, and seat-belted once inside the car. (Seat-belting is not a term for beating someone with a nylon strap).

4) Adjust the rear view mirror to an angle that allows visual monitoring of  the prisoner. I know of some officers who installed a red lens cover over the overhead interior light fixture, or a dim light bulb, to allow nighttime monitoring of a prisoner without affecting the ability to drive safely. And, of course, many present day patrol cars are equipped with interior cameras.

5) Always remain alert, especially at the end of the trip. Many prisoners make their move to escape when the officer opens the rear door.

6) In an emergency situation, one end of a thin strap (a hobble) can be attached to leg shackles and the other end closed in the car door. This reduces the prisoners movements. Some police vehicles are equipped with a metal eye hook in the floor. The hook is used to secure cuffs or leg irons to the vehicle. However, most department policies do not allow securing prisoners to a moving vehicle because they’d be unable to free themselves if the car crashed. Back “in the day,” though, rules were far more relaxed.

VIP Transports

Sometimes rear compartments of police vehicles are used for purposes other than transporting criminals, such as transporting dignitaries to various meetings and other high-profile functions.

Transporting prisoners

Special Officer Transportation











Transporting prisoners

Special VIP


K-9 Transport

We love our VIPs.


Our favorite kind of backseat rider

Our favorite kind of backseat rider

Who Let the Dogs Out …